Day 86: Pinxterbloom Azaleas

“Pinxterbloom azalea is a deciduous shrub that is native to moist woods, swamp margins and open areas from Massachusetts to South Carolina and Tennessee. It is a dense, bushy, suckering shrub that typically grows 2-6’ (less frequently to 10’) tall. Clusters of soft pink to white to lavender, slightly fragrant, funnel-shaped flowers (to 1.5” across), each with 5 long curved stamens, bloom in April immediately preceding the emergence of the foliage. Oblong to elliptic green leaves. Pinxter means Pentecost (seventh Sunday after Easter) in Dutch, in reference to the bloom time for this shrub.” (Source)

14 thoughts on “Day 86: Pinxterbloom Azaleas

  1. Pingback: Day 270: Pinxterbloom Azalea Buds | A Year In Photos

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